Friday, November 25, 2011

Guys, desperately need some opinions and advice on building muscle? 10 points for the best answer!?

So I'm 16, tall and slim. I wanna get my upper body ripped. My diet's healthy (I eat a lot but not unhealthily) and I play badminton on the weekends. Here's my routine: (I've only got dumbbells - 22lbs each, but I'll increase the weight gradually)

Day 1:

Bench Press (5x7)

Shrugs (5x7)

Shoulder Press (5x7)

Tricep Extension (4x10)

Crunches (4x25)

Press Ups (60)

Rest for a night, then Day 2:

Crunches (4x25)

Press Ups (80)

Rest for a night, then Day 3:

Bicep Curls (5x7)

Hammer Curls (5x7)

Bent Over Rows (4x7)

Crunches (4x25)

Press Ups (60)

Rest for a night, then repeat day 1 etc.

I know there's no leg stuff, but I'm completely focussing on my upper body. So, can I get buff from this routine? Can I build some big arms, which is my main priority? And if so, how long ROUGHLY do you think it'll take to see some impressive growth? Thanks lads.Guys, desperately need some opinions and advice on building muscle? 10 points for the best answer!?
yeah sounds like a good work out plan,but i recommend you work out one every other day so your muscles can get used to all the work out,believe me im slim too and i only did sit ups n crunches and press ups and after about a month i started to notice my arms and chest getting bigger now after like 2 months i had a nice 6pack i been doing this for 4 two years and my arms/chest are great, also eat chicken its good on protein if you want go to a pharmacy they must have vitamins too,but seriously your doing fine just let your body rest so the muscle can grow other then that your doing fine manGuys, desperately need some opinions and advice on building muscle? 10 points for the best answer!?
chicken has the most protein out of all the meats. if your trying to build muscle, eat alot of chicken. i know professional wrestlers, (wwe, n.e.w, E.C.W etc.) that got ripped on that diet.
to get bigger you have to add 5-15 pounds every 1-2 weeks on everything you do.

i gained 8 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks
You forgot the swimming.

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