Friday, November 25, 2011

Gym need advice bulking/building muscle quick etc please read if know that type of stuff!?

Hello im a 5,9 11 stone guy whos 18, i have a fast metabolism and can eat without gaining weight,(i havce bought progain extreme though) i am quite defined as i can be essentially for my size. however im wanting to gain size and stay in shape quick but dont know what workouts to use, i need upper biody mostly and shoulders, legs arent too important.

so what im asking is what workouts can you give me to achieve this?

ps i dont need one made up essentially, just a link is ok.

regards and thanks to answerers

p.s looking for 3 weight workouts and a cardio a week or 4 weights 1 week and next week 1 cardio 3 weights.Gym need advice bulking/building muscle quick etc please read if know that type of stuff!?
your way off dude. legs ARE important. you need to eat big and train big. eatings whats gonna help you bulk up. I mean like 2000 calories everyday. and no McDonald's either. pastas, chickens, wheat bread, veggies, meat, sandwiches are a good choice. lots of water. since your metabolisms fast you need to eat like 6 times a day. its hard'; trust me on that one'; protein shakes are good but it shouldnt be a complete source of protein. idealy 1-2 grams of protein per pound of your weight. so if you 100lbs then you need 100grams of protein. ok almost done got it? back to what I said, legs are important, you wanna grow? fine heres the secret you need squats, powerlifts, leg presses. work those damn quads! when you work big muscles it releases testostorone. thats why legs are important if you wanna grow kid. If you eat big and work your large muscle groups you will see results and so will the ladies!Gym need advice bulking/building muscle quick etc please read if know that type of stuff!?
Legs are very important, if your not doing legs then you are obviously missing out on some of the best mass building exercises.

You should find a routine that focuses on heavy compound movements such as Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Rows etc. If you visit you can find a lot of good routines for beginners.



Remember that muscle only grows when AFTER it's been worked out but any growth is stopped by another workout so leave at least a day between any excercises on the same muscle group (eg, arms or pecs)

Good luck!
sorry, but the legs ARE very important if you want to bulk up.
seems like u got it covered..


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