Saturday, August 21, 2010

What is your best advice to build and protect your self esteem?

Be who you are, not those who you want approval from.

The key word is self.

If you don't like you, you got a big pile of zero.What is your best advice to build and protect your self esteem?
you build your self esteem by knowing exactly who you are. You protect your self esteem by ignoring, by walking away from those who want to verbally abuse you, bully you.What is your best advice to build and protect your self esteem?
In my experience the best way to build and maintain a good self esteem is to put yourself first. Not in a selfish way but in a caring way, if you care about other people or try to please other people and put yourself last you will never have time to focus on you. Also find out who you are and what you're passionate about.
dont compare yourself to others
Learn to not care. Do not care about what others think or perceive about you. If people would learn to *not* care in a lot of situations, life would be much easier.
Self esteem is built by being true to yourself with every thought, word and deed. Do what you can to make every day count by using your talents/gifts to their fullest extent eliminates the negative energy of guilt. In my experience, making other people feel good about themselves makes me feel good about me.
Honesty, open mindedness, and willingness. First one needs to be honest with themselves, second, one must keep an open mind in order to obtain the help they need to build and retain self esteem, and third, there must be a willingness to do the work involved in self discovery and self acceptance and change.
Surround yourself with people who truly care for you. Be your own person and don't try to be someone you are not. Find what qualities are your best and cultivate them because God made us all individual and each one of us is truly special, no on else can be you!
Realize that God loves you just the way you are. Be yourself and don't worry about what others think. And make it your constant goal to improve your character.
Focus on the good things about yourself holistically. Whether they be spiritual, mental, physical etc. Acknowlege them %26amp; tell yourself how great that is about you. Whatever negative things you feel, drown them out by only reflecting on what's great about you %26amp; don't just keep that to yourself, put it out there. If there is a particular situation which is keeping you down or breaking your self esteem just remind yourself 'this is only a temporary situation'.
I use the internal mammy monologue.

Ain't nothing but a weary load.

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